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More on Self-Efficacy

More on Self-Efficacy

Self-efficacy is the belief in one’s ability to achieve a goal, especially when the path is uncertain or unknown.

Self-efficacy is not a simple “I got this.” That’s usually bravado. Self-efficacy is thoughtful and serious. It’s “I know I can do this because I am willing to take the first step, and even though I don’t yet know all the answers or how this will unfold, I’ll continue until I am successful.”

Self-efficacy can be broken down into three components: confidence, initiative, and optimism. On their own, these three components are inert. Confidence or optimism without initiative won’t produce results. Initiative on its own, and without purpose, is frenetic energy, unguided, untrained, and quite possibly dangerous.

Self-efficacy is important because it plays a role in how both you feel about yourself and whether you are able to pursue your goals in life.

Developing and improving your self-efficacy will help you see even the toughest goals in the optimal way: challenging, but not insurmountable.

How does Drive show up in your life?

Engaging in self-reflection is a powerful tool for learning and personal growth.

Below, you'll find a set of thought-provoking questions to ponder. Feel free to jot down your responses here in the course or in a notepad, or use them as a catalyst for meaningful discussions with your friends or family. Embrace this opportunity to gain fresh perspectives and uncover valuable insights.


  • Think of one (or some) of those moments in your life in which an internal strength made you surpass a difficult obstacle. It can be anything in any context. Now think of how this same internal strength (which is always there) can help you in your moments nowadays and during your entire journey. Make notes of these moments and how you will deal with them when they challenge you.


  • Based on the moments you just identified, make notes on how transformative they were. How they have changed you and made you stronger. Remember that any tiny step is worthy and must be recognized - what takes us to the top of the mountain is the sum of each individual step. Write down those steps, even the smallest victories and think of how grateful you can be for them, because they have made you more relentless every day.

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